Technology Networks presents HTTPort
TCP/IP through HTTP tunneling software
The ultimate Internet accessibility & anonimity solution
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HTTHost personal edition version 1.8.5 is released. Changes.
HTTPort SDK version 1.8.4 is released. Changes.
HTTPort version 3.SNFM is released. Changes.
We have moved. is now running under FreeBSD, as well as all the HTTHost servers. For more details on running HTTHost (native Win32 application) under Unix, please see the newsletter.
· · · Links · · ·
Pythomnic (platform for building reliable network services in Python)
Nest (IP VPN tunnel for FreeBSD)
Green (Flexible rule-driven mail processor)
RaidenFTPD (FTP server for Windows)
To quickly get familiar with what HTTPort is and how it works, please see the quick overview.
HTTPort is free. You may want to freely download one of the HTTPort products - HTTPort (end-user client application) itself, HTTHost (personal server companion application for HTTPort) or demo version of the HTTPort SDK.
If you like the software and use it on regular basis, this FAQ will give you the most helpful answers for the questions you might have.
All the questions that you haven't find answers to in the FAQ, please address to the public message board.
Technically experienced users may want to read the HTTPort newsletter or even share their knowledge by submitting their own articles.
If you develop Internet software and your clients need it to work from behind a proxy, please give HTTPort SDK a try. HTTPort SDK is based on HTTPort code, it's stable, functional, and easy to use. Fully functional demo version is available for free download. The new version is built on the same source base with the mainstream HTTPort/HTTHost and provides many additional features, such as SOCKS support.
If you have an idle Internet pipe with a spare Windows/Unix server, please consider hosting a public HTTHost server. It generates you no revenue, but it helps making Internet more private, secure and anonymous. Users from all around the world will be forever grateful to you. We will also gladly add the link to your site to this front page.
· · · Customers · · ·
Registered users please log in to access your account information. If you're not yet registered, please consider reading this FAQ item.
If you are running your own personal HTTHost server please consider ordering your own RSA encryption key pair to make your tunneling more secure.

Bandwidth and support provided by
Quantum Silicones Inc.
HTTPort products family is written by Dmitry Dvoinikov
(c) 1999-2008 Dmitry Dvoinikov